This site is an archive from 2019 — 2021. You probably want the new site which you can find at

Welcome to St. Martin's, Seamer!

We're delighted you're here! You can find a broad overview of what we get up to on this site, or check out our social media pages for the latest events, happenings and photos.

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Join us on a Sunday

Join us at 10am on a Sunday for a blend of worship and activities.

Weddings & Baptisms

With a friendly vicar and a 12th Century building as the backdrop for your photos, St. Martin's is the ideal place to tie the knot. Baptisms are free of charge.

New to Christianity?

Questions? Why not join one of our introductory courses? You'll be free to ask all the questions you've always wanted to ask, in a non threatening environment.

Children and Youth

Children's and youth work is currently on hold, but you can find out the kind of thing we normally do.


Most of our events have had to stop, but you can check out our quizzes and other social events.

Resources for Members

Visitors welcome too, but you might not find this as useful just yet.

Meet the Team

What we Believe

History of St. Martin's

Useful Links